Parent Teacher Association
Sandford PTA is an inclusive and respectful collection of parents, teachers and friends with the aim to support the school community via events and also to fund raise in order to provide the children of Sandford school with extra opportunities.
Sandford PTA is a registered charity and has a formal committee with four positions; Chair, Vice chair, Treasurer and Secretary. We hold an ADM once a year where committee roles are appointed. We subscribe to Parent Kind for insurances, guidance and our constitution.
Sandford PTA also includes a large group of parents , carers and teachers who provide support in a variety of ways throughout the year. Everyone contributes in a way that suits them best, with no expectations or commitments. We meet as a PTA group, normally in a local pub, about once a term, and we also communicate regularly throughout the year via a PTA Whats App group. EVERYONE IS WELCOME; new ideas, skills and approaches are always wanted.
Sandford PTA communicate events via the school Teachers2Parents app, Sandford school Facebook group, class whats app groups, text messages and the school newsletter. We use an online volunteer app to support parents to be able to participate in fund raising events (no grabbing you on the school playground!), and this has been very successful in supporting a greater variety of participation.
Each year we meet with the school council to gather the voices of the children which informs our fund raising events and how profits are spent. We also seek and welcome parent and carer feedback.
If you have an questions, queries or want to get involved please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you at our up-coming events.
Contact us :
PTA Newsletters
PTA Constitution
Diary of a PTA Chair
PTA Events
- Thursday 23rd May Beach Clean (details to follow)
- Friday 24th May – Non-Uniform Day – Donation for Rainbow Raffle please!
- Friday 14th June Father’s Day Pop Up
- Friday 7th June Sandfest 4:30-6:30pm
- Monday 22nd July Break the Rules Day
What have the PTA organised and funded recently?
- School Defibrillator
- Sandford Welcome bears
- Part funding of the Year 6 leavers hoodies
- A Christmas gift for every child (wooden bauble , book, visits from Father Christmas)
- Part funding for the school pantomime trip
- Funded sports and play equipment
- Contributed to the Forest school area
- Christmas fair and an alternative Christmas events during Covid
- Sandfest (Summer festival event)
- Fairies and Scaries Disco
- Pumpkin Parade
- Break the Rules Day
- Cake Sales
- Summer Ice Lolly Sales
- Marvellous Men and Mothers & Special Others Day Pop Up Sales
- Spring Day
- Valentine Trail
- School Tea-towels
- Sponsored events and summer challenges